Do you feel that you are required to do so?
Do you feel that your answer won’t be accepted unless you do – or that YOU won’t be accepted unless you do?
Justifying our feelings or actions is an indication that we feel insecure about who we are. It is a form of seeking external approval. It comes from a fear that our actions won’t be approved of, or accepted – as though we feel we have to convince others of their validity, and on some level, of our own validity.
When we justify ourselves to others we give away our
personal power. We give away our choice about how we feel or think, believing
that unless someone else approves, we can’t either.
I would often find myself going into long drawn out
explanations about why I did something, especially if I wasn’t sure if the
person I was talking to would approve of it. It might be over something trivial,
like a musician I liked, books I liked, things I liked doing, or something more
in depth, like why I parented the way I did, why I had becomes friends with
someone – always I felt I had to justify myself.
My mother always worked on the assumption that because I was
her daughter I had to like everything she did, and if I didn’t she would create
an argument about it. She would consider it a negation of her if I didn’t, and
take it as a personal sleight and get upset. And the upset thus taught me that
it was easier to pretend I did like what she wanted me to, to please her and
keep the peace.
Unfortunately this meant I learnt a bad habit early on: to
either pretend I liked something to please others, or go into detailed reasons
why I liked it to try and validate it and gain approval. Sadly though, this
resulted in me either not knowing what I really liked, or humiliating myself by
over explaining, and getting a sense that it put the other person off, creating
an awkward, tense situation. Often I would walk away feeling like I had said too
much, and feel bad about myself.
Stop letting people
that do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions.
– Will Smith
This pattern of behaviour was highlighted to me when I
realised I didn’t behave this way around everyone. There were some people I
could be around who I expressed myself clearly with, defined my likes and
dislikes, and who I felt accepted by, because they didn’t expect anything from
It was brought to my attention when I visited a friend with
an ex-boyfriend. My relationship with this ex-boyfriend wasn’t good. I was always
on tender hooks, unsure he was happy with me. I felt I had to live up to an
image he had of me. He would often argue with me about my opinions and view.
After we visited my friend he commented how relaxed I had been in their
company, confident and happy, and he asked why I wasn’t that way with him
I realised my friend had never expected or wanted me to be
anyone else; I could discuss my tastes and opinions with them, and they
wouldn’t argue with them – whether they agreed with them or not. They respected
me, and my thoughts and feelings, so I could be myself with them.
And if there were people that I had to justify or explain
myself to then I had to move away from them, because they weren’t helping me,
they were taking something away from me. They were the wrong people, possibly toxic people.
Not everyone will
understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of –
it’s yours. - Zero Dean
It made me realise that I shouldn’t have to explain myself
or defend my choices to anyone. I realised I had a right to feel and think any
way I chose, as long as it didn’t hurt anyone. I was worthy, and I didn’t need
to justify why.
But doing this is not so easy, so I broke it down into a step
by step process.
1) Listen
to yourself – feel your feelings about things, and acknowledge them;
2) Be
honest with yourself – don’t alter anything to suit others. Being different is
3) Follow
your heart when you make decisions by trusting yourself – and you do that by
doing the first step;
4) Believe
in yourself - know that you are a good person;
5) Be
confident in your feelings and choices, then you won’t need to seek someone else
Be who you are. Think the way you do. Be who you are.
You are worthy, you don’t need to justify why!