My rating: 2 of 5 stars
This book is a summation of another book (A Course in Miracles). And from what I understand it does this quite concisely. My problem with this book is less about the writing than it is about the content. I am not religious & don't believe in or subscribe to any dogma or doctrine relating to the bible, so putting the context of this summation in a religious framework doesn't work for me.
I am spiritual however & cross paths with the idea that we are all one energy & that love & compassion is the key to a happy fulfilled experience in this life. But I am cautious of the concept that what we see externally is an illusion & there is no physical world & that it is all perception, & this is our ego trying to separate us & make us think we are seperate & not a part of something greater, & that is why we experience pain & loneliness.
They are interesting concepts - but for me that is all they are.
If you are religious maybe this book might offer you something, but for me it is far too wrapped up in 'God' & too rigid in its ideas which are based off someone (whoever wrote A Course In Miracles) having a psychic experience they have interpreted in this way.
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