My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This was a repeat read of this book. I found it helpful the first time around when it highlighted certain things I needed to work on, and now with a second read it has highlighted other things I need to work on.
It's a book about how to breathe new life into your relationship. It focuses on intimate relationships with a partner or spouse. It sets out ground rules, and discusses how to be in a relationship, talking about masculine and feminine energies without being gender specific, and how they work and relate to each other. It talks about how to improve how you communicate (in a non-blaming way) and how to listen better. It contains exercises and questions for the reader to use and journal about.
I particularly liked the learning how to listen section and also the overfunctioning section, which really shows me where I need to change things - I take on too much and grow resent towards my partner.
It is simple and short enough to take on the ideas easily. I would say it is focused more to women in a heterosexual relationship than men, but it can be adapted to suit either. Rori Raye writes in a clear and concise way, putting her ideas and instructions across in succinct way without over-explaining or being too wordy. I would definitely recommend it if you want new clarity in your relationship.
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You can find Rori Raye's website here.