Review: The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That LastsThe 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I'd heard of Gary Chapman a few times, and thought I'd give this a go. I have read about Love Strategies in Tony Robbins book, Unlimited Power, but not in such a simplistic, relationship focus way.

Gary easily explains the five different love languages, using examples from couples he's known and worked with, and at the end of each of them, explains how to use them even if this is not one of your own strategies. At the back of the book is a his & her quiz to learn your own love strategy - mine wasn't what I thought it was when reading the book.

This book make me feel it was possible for me to rekindle my marriage in an easy, simple, seamless way, working on one thing a week or month, and gave me the confidence to also share it with my husband in the hope we can recreate a relationship which has turned cold.

I would definitely recommend it to anyone struggling, or even if you are not, as it is a good way to liven up your relationship or marriage.

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