Book Review: Your Aura and Your Chakras: The Owner's Manual by Karla McLaren

Your Aura and Your Chakras: The Owner's ManualYour Aura and Your Chakras: The Owner's Manual by Karla McLaren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was very interested in reading this book to clearly define in my mind the meaning of each of the Chakras and this book did do this. It also gives information on Aura's and how to ground yourself. I found this interesting and very helpful. Karla McLaren goes into detail about how she goes about doing all these things.

My only difficulty I have with this book, and have experienced with other writers of these types of metaphysical things, is that she writes as though what she does and how she does it is the only way and is kind of fixed and factual. To me it is individual and each person perceives things in their mind their own way. As someone that does energy light healing in colours, although I found Karla's methods interesting, I chose to pick and choose which pieces worked for me, and used my own interpretation of some of the things Karla talked about.

I did learn a great deal from this book however, and would definitely return to it for reference.

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