Review: Own Your Energy, by Alla Svirinskaya

Own Your Energy: Develop Immunity to Toxic Energy and Preserve Your Authentic Life ForceOwn Your Energy: Develop Immunity to Toxic Energy and Preserve Your Authentic Life Force by Alla Svirinskaya
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book has a lot to process, and was an unnecessarily long read. There are loads of actionable meditations and energy processes but only later in the book. It is a book that will be useful to dip into for help with different aspects. But what I hadn't expected was for this book to turn into a self-help book.

The author went into great detail about all sorts of mental health aspects and kept promising that later she would talk about the energy, but really later were just exercies. I know that these things influence your energy but I felt it was a diversion from the point of the book, and went on for far too long. I considered that I might feel that way because I read a lot of self help and already knew most of it, but it took up the majority of the book. I felt it gave less focus on the actual creation of the energy or aura itself, and was a self help book disguised as a book about owning your energy. However, there were interesting elements.

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